THE FIRST VTUBER IN HONG KONG, self introduction, Ad Pro
香港首位男虛擬網紅廣告達人 自我介紹 Youtuber バーチャル ユーチューバー
Hi everyone! I am Ad Pro! My show is launched! I am a Virtual Youtuber, and I am the first male VTuber in Hong Kong, hope everyone support me, many many thanks. Please give a like to my channel.
Yes, you are right, the name of my show is “Pro Incidence”, and I have prepared a lot of program to all of you around the world, for example, various kind of interviews, for example, some report of events and news, and of course, some entertainments like singing! Let me show a bit to you now!
昴 (すばる)
凩は 吠き続ける
Wow, do you like it, let’s give me a like!
Apart from localize, My channel is also highly internationalized, will not only have Cantonese programs, but also have English programs. So that audience around the world could enjoy the show together with audience from Hong Kong. I will do my very best, and hope you all enjoy, please subscribe my channel, many many thanks again.
我除咗本地,亦都會走向國際化,嚟緊嘅節目,會有廣東話節目,亦會有英文節目,希望香港嘅觀眾,同埋外國嘅觀眾,都可以一齊欣賞,希望大家可以多多留意我 ,我一定會好俾心機做好我嘅Channel,希望大家訂閱我嘅Channel,非常非常感謝大家。
Oh, for my target, of course, I would like to have as many subscriber as possible. Objective to become No.1 male VTuber in Greater China Area, hope to become Top 100 in the world. Again, I will do my very very best! The success of my channel relies on your support! Don’t forget to subscribe! Bye Bye
至於目標方面呢,點講好呢,梗係越多人睇越好啦,希望我可以做到大中華區No.1嘅男虛擬網紅,我亦都希望成功躋身世界100強虛擬網紅。我一定會好好努力㗎啦!我嘅Channel全賴大家嘅支持!記得訂閱啊!Bye Bye
#VTuber #虛擬網紅 #廣告達人 #3DAdPro #Ad #Pro #BGM #背景音樂 #香港 #首位 #男 #Virtual #Youtuber #First #ProIncidence #Incidence #達人事件 #首個
#Sing #唱歌 #Japanese #日文 #昴 #すばる #英文 #節目 #English #Program #Interview #訪問 #時事 #專訪 #報道 #Report #Events #News #國際 #International #Local #本地 #バーチャル #ユーチューバー