【Japanese with Rhythm】#1 What to expect when studying Japanese! ♪

From a random German weeb who somehow ended up in the Virtual YouTuber industry, for all those who want to have fun learning some Japanese. ♪(ゝ◡╹)ノ

Twitter♪ https://twitter.com/OtonashiRhythm
Twitch♪ https://www.twitch.tv/otonashirhythm
Discord♪ http://discord.gg/umMFWnd
Patreon♪ https://www.patreon.com/lizmical
Project upd8♪ https://upd8.jp/

Music→Noyemi♥ https://noyemik.bandcamp.com/
Rigging→ Pixelaminator https://pixelaminator.com/


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